
Our Story
Franklin D Roosevelt Primary is an institution steeped in a history that is distinctive and which reflects much change  in its sixty-three years existence. The school that it has become, is vastly different in many ways to the one it was sixty years ago. We may derive comfort in the fact that FDR has kept up with much of the socio-political change that has affected our country. Our school embodies the new South Africa and has not enshrined outmoded social norms. The first Principal of FDR Primary One monumental step forward was taken in FDR’s very early years when the first Headmaster, Dr Peter Becker, received special permission from the Transvaal Education Department to teach Zulu to certain classes. It was a significant event given the political landscape of South Africa at the time. That set the tone for changes that occurred years later when Mr Becking began enrolling black children before many other public primary schools did so in 1994. The opening up of previously white TED schools to children of all races brought about the introduction of Model C schools, a term which is still in use, even though the system has long since been abandoned. We, as a Public Primary School, pride ourselves on the fact that we have been able to maintain standards of education throughout the history of the School. Today, the School represents a microcosm of the greater South Africa, and of that we are very proud.Supporters  Although we have had to face challenges brought about through socio-economic change, we have prevailed. We remain dedicated to the holistic education of all the children within our school community, regardless of background or socio-economic status.   Being part of a school like Franklin D Roosevelt is indeed a gratifying experience, a great source of pride and a huge privilege. The positive attitude of the staff, particularly that of School Management Team (SMT), makes task so much the easier! The involvement of the School Governing Body cannot be underestimated and we are very grateful for the hours that they spend working for the School for no remuneration. We also wish to convey our deep gratitude to all those who helped to make our School what it is today. it has succeeded most admirably.
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